The latest generation of condensing technology extracts up to15% more energy from every Kilogram of wood pellets. When demand for heat is high, the Pellematic Maxi will switch to maximum output. But when demand tails off it will adjust its output accordingly - to as low as 30% of its available capacity, keeping fuel use to a minimum.
For large scale requirements, the Pellematic Maxi with condensing technology can be installed in a cascade system.
The Pellematic Maxi with condensing technology builds on the proven technology of the Pellematic series offering high levels of efficiency.
Efficiency - 94.2% (in condensing mode)
Performance range: 41-64kW
Expandable heating output up to 256kW in Cascade Mode:
Dimensions (mm): w1297 x h1855 x d1347
1. Rock wool insulation
2. Heat exchanger flushing
3. Mechanical heat exchanger cleaning
4. Stainless steel condensing heat exchanger
5. Flue connection
6. Mains water inlet
7. Condensate pan
8. Condensate drain
The Pellematic Maxi is extremely flexible, which also makes it very economical. When demand for heat is high it will switch to maximum output. But when demand tails off it will adjust its output accordingly - to as low as 30% of its available capacity, keeping fuel use to a minimum.
The Pellematic Maxi is designed to fit through most standard door frames with a width of 80 cm. This may allow a 224kW system to be installed without any construction work.
Up to four Pellematic Maxi boilers can be run in cascade ensuring the output always matches the load. When combined with duty-sharing the maintenance and wear is kept to a minimum.
This technical solution allows you to build the power up to 256 kW when demand for heat varies, a cascade configuration will respond by activating and deactivating boilers as required.
The cascade is an ideal solution for commercial buildings of medium and large sizes, residential buildings, collective and industrial buildings.
A cascade installation using up to 4 Pellematic Maxi, with condensing technology, boilers offers the following:
wide power modulation range
high reliability, minor wear
easy maintenance
very easy to install
greater flexibility in implementation
Thanks to Cascade Control, up to four Pellematic Maxi boilers can run in parallel, generating high levels of heat and low levels of wear on the individual boilers. When rated power is not required, only the boilers that are actually needed will be called into use.
The very large modulation range of a cascade installation can meet the power requirements much better than single boiler systems. A cascade of four ÖkoFEN Pellematic Maxi boilers with condensing technology can modulate from 8% to 100%.
Additionally one boiler can be serviced while the other boilers will remain operational and continue to provide heating and domestic hot water.